Species We Target
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
On the Kenai River these fish are 100% wild. Because of the cold oxygen rich water, as well as an abundance of food, these fish fight harder than almost anywhere in the world. We practice catch and release for these magical fish. Parents often say it is hard to pick their favorite child. These are the favorite child. They are catchable year round but the season peaks in late august through September.
Sockeye (red) Salmon (Oncorhynchus Nerka)
“Reds” is what we call them in Alaska. These Fish enter the Kenai in two runs. The first, and smaller run, happens in the last two weeks of June. This run averages about 50,000 fish. The second run, and far larger run, begins to take place in the middle of July and ends towards the middle of August. This run in a good year can be 1,500,000+ fish. The second run is the best time to target these fish. If you are hoping to ‘fill the freezer’ these are your target fish. They are caught using a uniquely Alaskan method from the river banks using rod and reel.
Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma)
Not to be confused with Queen Dolly Parton. These fish are native to the Kenai and a member of the Arctic Char family. Their unique coloration and makings are what drive many anglers to catch them. August and September provide opportunities to see them in their most colorful form as they are a fall spawning fish. They are caught in similar ways to the rainbow trout, and are also a catch and release species.
Coho (Silver) salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
These fish are pure fun. That might be the reason they are on so many anglers bucket lists. The Kenai river holds some of the larger silver salmon in the world when the runs are in (typically the last week of August through the end of October). They are the most aggressive species of salmon and will actively chase lures and flies. They are wonderful fish to target using both fly, and spin equipment.